Tuesday’s are now souly dedicated to the markets and food shopping. I am going to call it Market Tuesdays and every Tuesday send you a list of what we buy. For those of you not living in Adelaide I feel […]
Tuesday’s are now souly dedicated to the markets and food shopping. I am going to call it Market Tuesdays and every Tuesday send you a list of what we buy. For those of you not living in Adelaide I feel […]
How are you at accepting or taking criticism? Infact it can be a quite daunting and scary thing for some individuals; and some, avoid it at all costs. I am not talking about feedback, more criticism. criticism noun the expression […]
There are so many resources out there to assist with mental health and prevention. There has never been more support and more charities then what there is now, EVER. There has never been more awareness about mental health but the […]
When coaching my team during our 1 on 1 sessions, one of my upmost important topics we talk about is mentality and how we feel as one being on this earth. Things that we are grateful for, things that we are […]
How do you like to spend your Sundays? I typically use my Sundays to chase up on things I didn’t get done during the week. Once I catch up with all the tasks I didn’t complete then I move onto […]
The 21/90 rule states that it takes 21 days to make a habit and 90 days to make it a permanent lifestyle change. … Commit to your goal for 21 days and it will become a habit. Commit to your goal for 90 days and it will become […]
During yet another cardio session today I was looking through netflix seeing what I should binge watch next to get me through my 45 minutes and I come across a documentary called the Social Dilemma. I have heard of people speak of […]